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  • Value

  • Gold


Choose Your Plan


- Customized Training Plan
- Monthly plan updates
- Regular Threshold Testing
- Bi-annual Goal Setting
- Access to Blog and up-to-date research articles

-Basic strength and nutrition plan

-Unlimited messaging (Text, email, social media)**


- Customized Training Plan
- Bi-weekly Plan Updates (Unlimited communication for changes)
- Regular Threshold Testing
- Unlimited Goal Setting as Needed
- Access to Blog and up-to-date research articles

- Personalized Strength and Nutrition Plan
- Unlimited messaging (Text, email, social media)**

-Premium Training Peaks Account

Running gait analysis and swim stroke analysis $100 each for local athletes and $75 by video for remote athletes. Includes technique tips on swim stroke and run form as well as overarching philosophy on training for swimming and running with regards to triathlon, and cues to focus on for each sport while training


**Truly unlimited communication. However, I do work another job so certain hours will be restricted. 

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